Food & Drinks

How To Keep Drinks Cold Without a Fridge (10+ Easy Ways)

How To Keep Drinks Cold Without A Fridge

Keeping drinks cold without a fridge can be difficult, especially during the summer months. But you don’t have to suffer through lukewarm drinks anymore! There are a few simple tricks you can use to keep your drinks chilled without using a fridge.

So, how to keep drinks cold without a fridge?

  • Fill a cooler with ice and put the drinks in the cooler.
  • Use an ice pack.
  • Fill a zip lock bag with ice and place the drink inside the bag.
  • Bury the zip lock bag in the wet sand at the beach.
  • Fill a bucket with ice and place the drinks inside the bucket.
  • Use a thermos or flask.

In this article, we’ll dive right into the specifics of these drink-cooling techniques and cover a few additional methods.

Different Methods of Cooling Drinks Without a Fridge

Well, as you can see there are actually several ways to keep drinks cold without a fridge. Some of them are more effective than others, but all of them can help you to cool your drinks to some degree.

Let’s look at the methods in more detail.

1. Use of Ice

Use Of Ice

One of the most effective ways to keep drinks cold without a fridge is to use ice. You can use ice in various ways to keep drinks cold, and it is relatively easy to find and purchase.

One way to use ice is to fill a cooler with ice and then put the drinks in the cooler.

Other methods include using an ice pack, filling a ziplock bag with ice, placing the drink inside the bag, or even filling a bucket with ice and placing the drinks inside the bucket.

2. Flasks and Thermoses

Flasks And Thermoses

Using a thermos is another way to keep beverages cool. Thermoses keep hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold, which are perfect for this task.

Pour cold the drink into the thermos and screw on the lid tightly. The drink will stay cold for hours.

If you are using a flask, it is essential to pre-chill the flask by putting it in a cool and dry place for a few hours before using it. This will help keep the drink cold for longer.

3. Cooling Sleeves

Cooling Sleeves

Using cooling sleeves is another alternative to a fridge for keeping drinks cold. Cooling sleeves are made of a material that absorbs heat, and you can place them around a beverage can or bottle to keep it cold.

You can purchase cooling sleeves online or at some camping gear stores. Place the sleeve around the drink and enjoy.

4. Place the Drinks in a Chilly, Saltwater Bath

Place The Drinks In A Chilly, Saltwater Bath

Yes, you read that right.

By submerging your drinks in a saltwater bath, you can lower the water’s freezing point, making it colder and keeping your drinks cold for extended periods. Just make sure to use a non-reactive container like glass or stainless steel, not plastic.

To make a saltwater bath, dissolve one cup of salt per gallon of water. Then, place your container of drinks in the salt water and put it in the fridge or freezer until it’s as cold as you want it to be.

5. Burying the Drinks in the Sand

Burying The Drinks In The Sand

The beach is a great place to keep drinks cold without a fridge – as long as you bury them in the sand.

Dig a hole in the wet sand, place your drinks inside, and cover them with sand. The sand will insulate the drinks and keep them cold. Just make sure to mark the spot so you can find them later.

Editor’s Tip

If you want to keep your drinks extra cold, put them in an ice bucket before you bury them in the sand.

6. Use Snow

Use Snow

Areas that experience snowfall can use it to keep drinks cold. Just like with the sand, you will want to insulate the drinks.

One way to do this is to place the drinks in a cooler and then surround the cooler with snow. The snow will keep the cooler cold and prevent the drinks from getting warm. Or you can simply stick the drinks one by one into deep snow so they’re almost covered in it.

You can also place your drinks in a container and cover them with snow. The snow will insulate the drinks and keep them cold. Just make sure to mark the spot so you can find them later.

7. Cooling Drinks With Air Conditioning

Cooling Drinks With Air Conditioning

If you have access to air conditioning, you can use it to keep your drinks cold. Place the drinks in a cooler or thermos and set them in front of the air conditioner.

The air conditioner will blow cold air on the drinks and keep them cool. This method is not as effective as ice, but it will keep the drinks cold for an extended period.

8. Placing Drinks in the Shade

Placing Drinks In The Shade

If you are outdoors and do not have access to ice, sand, snow, or a fridge, you can place your drinks in the shade.

The shade will help keep the drinks cool by preventing them from being in direct sunlight. Just be sure to check on the drinks regularly to make sure they are not getting too warm.

9. Store in a Dark and Cool Place

Store In A Dark And Cool Place

This is an excellent option for keeping them cold if you have a dark, cool place to store your drinks, such as a cellar or basement.

The lack of light will prevent the drinks from getting warm, and the cool temperature will keep them cold. Just make sure the space is clean and free of mold or mildew.


There are many ways to keep drinks cold without a fridge, and you can use these methods for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The best practices include ice, cooling sleeves, or a saltwater bath.

If you have access to air conditioning, you can also use it to keep your drinks cold. Finally, storing the drinks in a dark, cool place is also effective.

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials keep drinks cold?

Materials that keep drinks cold better than others include glass, metal, and ceramic. These materials conduct heat better than plastic or paper, and they will keep your drinks cold for extended periods.

How do you make a homemade cooler?

You can make a homemade cooler by filling a container with ice and then placing your drinks in the ice. You can also use a saltwater bath to keep your drinks cold.