Whiskey is a potent liquor, and it doesn’t take much to get you feeling the effects.
Just a shot or two can start to give you a buzz, and if you keep drinking, you’ll end up drunk. You can only process so much alcohol per hour.
So how much whiskey should you drink to get drunk?
There is no definitive answer because it depends on many factors like your weight, gender, tolerance, and the strength of the whiskey. But there are some general guidelines you can follow. Most people will feel buzzed after two or three shots of whiskey and feel drunk after four or five shots.
We’ll provide tips on how much whiskey to drink to get drunk and what to expect. So keep reading to learn more about getting buzzed on whiskey.
How Much Whiskey Does It Take To Get Drunk?

The notion of “a shot” of whiskey is a little bit nebulous. A standard shot glass holds 1.5 ounces of liquor, but many people pour more than that.
So for our purposes, we’ll say that a shot is 1.5 ounces of whiskey.
Now, let’s talk about how much whiskey you need to drink to get buzzed, drunk, or hammered.
Light Buzz
After two or three shots of whiskey, most people will start to feel the effects (i.e., a buzz). This is because the alcohol content in whiskey is high.
Most whiskeys clock in at around 40% alcohol by volume (ABV). That’s 80 proof.
If you’re drinking whiskey that’s 80-proof, then you’re getting around 40% pure alcohol. And that’s a lot of alcohol.
Most people will feel drunk after four or five shots of whiskey. This is because, again, the alcohol content is so high. And, as we said before, you can only process so much alcohol per hour.
So, you should drink four or five shots to get drunk quickly on whiskey. But, of course, you need to pace yourself.
If you drink too much too fast, you’ll likely vomit or pass out before you even get drunk.
And, if you want to get hammered, you can keep drinking until you pass out. But we don’t recommend this because it’s very dangerous.
You could die from alcohol poisoning if you drink too much whiskey too fast.
Factors That Affect Getting Drunk

In many scenarios, the amount of whiskey you need to drink to get drunk will depend on individual factors.
Here are some things that can affect how quickly you get drunk on whiskey.
Strength of the whiskey
The higher the alcohol content, the faster you’ll get drunk. For example, if you’re drinking 100-proof whiskey (50% ABV), you’ll get drunk much faster than if you’re drinking 80-proof whiskey (40% ABV).
Although, it’s worth noting that higher-proof whiskeys can be more difficult to drink because they’re so strong.
So, you might start with a lower-proof whiskey and then move up to a higher-proof whiskey if you can handle it.
This might come as a surprise, but your weight can affect how quickly you get drunk.
Heavier people will metabolize alcohol more slowly than thinner people. The lighter you are, the drunker you’ll get from drinking whiskey. That’s because there is less of you to absorb the alcohol.
For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds, you’ll get drunk quicker than someone who weighs 200 pounds.
This is because a person who weighs 150 pounds has less body mass to absorb the alcohol.
If you drink alcohol regularly, you’ll have a higher tolerance than someone who doesn’t drink often. This is because your body gets used to processing alcohol and can do it more efficiently.
So, if you have a high tolerance, you’ll need to drink more whiskey to get drunk.
Studies have shown that women tend to get drunk more quicker than men. This is because women have less water in their bodies than men. And water dilutes alcohol.
So, if you’re a woman, you’ll get drunk quicker than a man who weighs the same.
If you drink whiskey on an empty stomach, you’ll get drunk quicker than if you’ve just eaten a meal. That’s because food slows down the absorption of alcohol.
Certain foods are especially good at slowing down the absorption of alcohol. These include fatty foods like cheese and starchy foods like bread.
So, if you want to drink whiskey and not get drunk quickly, you should eat a meal beforehand.
What To Expect When You Drink Whiskey
Whether you are a regular whiskey drinker or drinking whiskey for the first time, you can expect a few things when you drink this alcohol during and after consumption.
The first thing you will notice is the distinct taste of whiskey. Once you’ve downed a few shots of whiskey, you’ll feel its effects.
You might feel a warm sensation in your chest or a flush in your cheeks. If you keep drinking, you’ll start to feel drunker.
You might have trouble speaking or walking properly. You might also start to feel nauseous or dizzy.
One downside of drinking whiskey is that it can cause a hangover. A hangover is when you have a headache and feel nauseous and exhausted the day after drinking.
There are a few things you can do to try and avoid a hangover, such as drinking lots of water, eating before you start drinking, and avoiding mixing different types of alcohol.
But, ultimately, there is no guaranteed way to prevent a hangover.
How much whiskey you drink to get drunk depends on weight, gender, and tolerance. If you want to drink whiskey and not get drunk quickly, you should eat a meal beforehand.
Drinking whiskey can cause a hangover, so drinking lots of water is important before starting to drink, during, and after drinking.
Drinking whiskey can be a fun and enjoyable experience. Just be sure to drink responsibly and know your limit.