
30 Dinner Crepe Recipes That Will Make You Flip

30 Best Dinner Crepe Recipes

Are you tired of the same old dinner routine? Looking for a delicious and versatile meal that will impress your family and friends? Look no further than dinner crepes! These thin and delicate pancakes are not just for breakfast or dessert anymore.

With their endless filling possibilities, dinner crepes are a fantastic way to elevate your evening meals. In this blog post, we will explore the best dinner crepe recipes that are sure to satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more. So, grab your apron and let's get cooking!

1. Savory Chicken and Mushroom Crepes

Savory Chicken And Mushroom Crepes

The Savory Chicken and Mushroom Crepes recipe is a delicious option for dinner or brunch. The crepes are filled with a flavorful combination of chicken, mushrooms, garlic, and white wine, and then topped with a creamy sauce.

The dish can be made ahead of time for easy preparation. Overall, it is a satisfying and tasty choice for a savory crepe recipe.

2. Crepes


Crepes are a versatile and delicious option for dinner. This recipe uses basic ingredients like flour, milk, and eggs to create tender and buttery crepes.

The batter is allowed to rest, resulting in soft and flavorful crepes. Whether you prefer savory or dessert crepes, this recipe has got you covered. Give it a try and enjoy a delightful dinner option.

3. Savory Cheesy Chicken Crepes

Savory Cheesy Chicken Crepes

Savory Cheesy Chicken Crepes are a delicious and satisfying dinner option. Filled with chicken, vegetables, and cheddar cheese, these crepes are easy to make and bursting with flavor.

The crepes themselves are thin and delicate, providing the perfect vessel for the savory filling. Whether you follow the recipe as is or switch up the filling options, these crepes are sure to be a hit at the dinner table.

4. Crepe


This easy crepe recipe is perfect for dinner. Made with simple pantry ingredients, these thin French-style pancakes can be filled with a variety of savory ingredients like cheese and ham.

The recipe requires no fancy equipment and can be made in a nonstick skillet. Serve them folded with butter, syrup, and berries or get creative with your own fillings. The possibilities are endless with these versatile and delicious crepes.

5. Simple Lacy Crepes

Simple Lacy Crepes

Simple Lacy Crepes is a versatile recipe that offers a variety of filling options. The crepes are light, lacy, and easy to make. Whether you prefer savory or sweet, there is a filling option to suit your taste.

The recipe yields a good number of crepes and can be made ahead of time. Overall, Simple Lacy Crepes is a delicious and satisfying dinner option.

6. Crepe Batter

Crepe Batter

Crepe Batter is a versatile and easy-to-make recipe that can be used to create delicious sweet or savory crepes. Made with basic ingredients like flour, milk, eggs, and sugar, this batter can be adjusted to suit your taste preferences. The batter is best when allowed to rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before cooking.

With the right technique and a non-stick pan, you can easily create thin and delicate crepes that can be filled or topped with a variety of ingredients. Whether you're looking for a delightful brunch option or a satisfying dinner, this crepe batter recipe is a great choice.

7. Chicken Broccoli Crepes

Chicken Broccoli Crepes

The Chicken Broccoli Crepes are a delicious and satisfying dinner option. These savory crepes are filled with tender chicken, steamed broccoli, and a creamy cheese sauce.

The combination of flavors and textures make for a delightful meal. The crepes can be made from scratch or purchased premade for convenience. Overall, these crepes are a tasty and filling choice for dinner.

8. Stuffed Savory Crêpes

Stuffed Savory Crêpes

Stuffed Savory Crêpes are a brunch delight, filled with sautéed mushrooms, spinach, and Italian sausage. Topped with a rich and cheesy Mornay sauce, these crêpes are a perfect combination of flavors.

The recipe requires some effort, but the end result is absolutely worth it. Serve these crêpes alongside other French brunch classics for a truly magnificent meal.

9. Breakfast Crepes

Breakfast Crepes

Breakfast Crepes are a versatile and delicious option for dinner. These thin and delicate crepes can be filled with a variety of sweet or savory ingredients, making them a perfect choice for any taste preference. The recipe is easy to follow, requiring simple ingredients like flour, sugar, milk, eggs, and melted butter.

With a non-stick round pan and a spatula, you can create these crepes with ease. Whether filled with scrambled eggs and bacon, ham and cheese, spinach and feta, or sausage and veggies, the possibilities are endless. Breakfast Crepes are a delightful and customizable dinner option that will surely impress your family and friends.

10. Homemade Crepes

Homemade Crepes

Homemade Crepes is a versatile and foolproof recipe that delivers thin, buttery, and soft crepes. With a handful of pantry ingredients, these crepes can be enjoyed as a sweet or savory dish, making them perfect for dinner.

The recipe requires no special equipment and can be easily made with a blender and a nonstick pan. The batter needs to rest for 30 minutes to achieve the best texture. Leftovers can be refrigerated or frozen for later enjoyment. Overall, Homemade Crepes is a go-to recipe for a delicious and satisfying dinner option.

11. Savory Crepes with Chicken and Mushroom Filling

Savory Crepes With Chicken And Mushroom Filling

Savory Crepes with Chicken and Mushroom Filling are a delightful dinner option. The thin and crispy crepes are filled with a flavorful mixture of mushrooms, garlic, onion, and chicken.

The combination of ingredients creates a delicious and satisfying meal. These crepes are versatile and can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Overall, a must-try recipe for crepe lovers looking for a savory twist.

12. Savory Crepes with Chicken

Savory Crepes With Chicken

Savory Crepes with Chicken is a delicious main course option for dinner. These crepes are filled with a simple and hearty chicken and bell pepper filling, folded into pocket squares, and topped with fresh dill and a sour cream sauce.

The combination of flavors is appealing and the crepes are easy to make. Overall, Savory Crepes with Chicken is a tasty and satisfying meal option.

13. Savory Crepes

Savory Crepes

Savory Crepes are a delightful combination of ham, cheese, and eggs, making them a perfect choice for a savory breakfast or a light vegetarian dinner. The crepes are quick and easy to make, and the gooey runny yolks add a delicious richness to each bite.

With a variety of cheese and ham options, you can customize the flavors to your liking. Sprinkled with chives or parsley, these crepes are a satisfying and flavorful choice for any meal.

14. Mom's Creamy Chicken Mushroom Crêpes

Mom's Creamy Chicken Mushroom Crêpes

Mom's Creamy Chicken Mushroom Crêpes are a delightful option for an elegant dinner. The combination of tender chicken, savory mushrooms, and creamy sauce wrapped in a delicate crepe is simply divine.

The dish is easy to prepare and perfect for a special occasion or a cozy dinner party. The addition of gruyere cheese adds a delightful touch of richness. Overall, these crêpes are a must-try for any crepe lover looking for a delicious and satisfying dinner option.

15. Chicken Asparagus Crepes

Chicken Asparagus Crepes

The Chicken Asparagus Crepes recipe is a delightful and flavorful option for dinner. The combination of tender chicken, fresh asparagus, and creamy ricotta cheese creates a satisfying filling for the crepes.

The addition of grated parmesan cheese and a hint of lemon zest adds a burst of flavor to the dish. Overall, these crepes are a delicious and easy-to-make option for a savory dinner.

16. Shrimp Crepes

Shrimp Crepes

Shrimp Crepes are a unique and decadent dish that is perfect for brunch or dinner. The crepes are homemade and filled with creamy shrimp, creating a delicious and impressive meal. The recipe is easy to follow and the ingredients are basic, making it accessible for most home cooks.

The combination of flavors, including the garlic, lemon, and basil, adds a refreshing and savory touch to the dish. Overall, Shrimp Crepes are a versatile and satisfying option for any occasion.

17. Skillet French Savory Crêpe

Skillet French Savory Crêpe

The Skillet French Savory Crêpe recipe is a basic and traditional French recipe for making delicious savory crêpes. The recipe uses simple ingredients and can be easily made in a regular skillet. The crêpes are thin and perfect for stuffing with a savory filling. They can be served for breakfast, brunch, or lunch, and are commonly enjoyed as a lunch or dinner meal in France.

The recipe provides options for substitutions, such as using coconut or almond milk instead of cow milk, and suggests using butter for frying the crêpes for the best taste. Overall, this recipe is a great choice for those looking to enjoy a classic and flavorful French dish.

18. Easy Chicken Crepes with Mushrooms

Easy Chicken Crepes With Mushrooms

The Easy Chicken Crepes with Mushrooms recipe is a delightful option for a dinner crepe. It features tender chicken and earthy mushrooms wrapped in light crepes and topped with a creamy mornay sauce.

The combination of Swiss and Parmesan cheeses adds a sweet and nutty flavor. The dish is easy to prepare and perfect for a romantic date night or dinner party.

19. Savory Crepes with Mushrooms and Greens

Savory Crepes With Mushrooms And Greens

Savory Crepes with Mushrooms and Greens is a delightful vegetarian dinner option. Made with all-purpose flour, these crepes are easy to make and cook up quickly. The filling options are endless, allowing for creativity and customization.

The combination of garlicky sautéed mushrooms and spicy garden greens adds a burst of flavor to the crepes. Overall, this recipe offers a simple, flavorful, and versatile meal option.

20. Mushroom Crepes

Mushroom Crepes

The Mushroom Crepes recipe offers a delicious and savory option for dinner. These thin and delicate crepes are filled with flavorful mushrooms, onions, garlic, spinach, and cheese. The combination of ingredients creates a satisfying and vegetarian-friendly meal.

The crepes are easy to make and can be enjoyed as a light dinner or a savory breakfast. Overall, the Mushroom Crepes recipe is a must-try for those looking for a tasty and filling crepe option.

21. Savory Crêpe

Savory Crêpe

The Savory Crêpe recipe is a classic French dish that features a buckwheat crêpe filled with ham, cheese, and egg. It is a simple yet delicious combination that creates a satisfying dinner option.

The recipe allows for variations, such as using different fillings like spinach and goat cheese or smoked salmon and crème fraîche. The crêpes are typically served with a side salad and paired with cider, creating a well-rounded meal. Overall, the Savory Crêpe recipe is a versatile and flavorful option for dinner.

22. Easy Blender Crepes

Easy Blender Crepes

Easy Blender Crepes are a convenient and foolproof way to make delicious French-style crepes. The batter is made effortlessly in a blender, resulting in smooth and thin crepes.

These versatile crepes can be filled with sweet or savory ingredients, making them perfect for any meal. With the option to make the batter in advance, these crepes are a great choice for brunch or dinner.

23. Crepes with Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Filling

Crepes With Creamy Chicken And Mushroom Filling

Crepes with Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Filling is a delicious French-style dish that can be enjoyed for lunch, dinner, or as a snack. The crepes are filled with a creamy mixture of cooked chicken and sliced Portobello mushrooms, creating a satisfying and flavorful combination.

The creamy sauce adds a rich and indulgent element to the dish, while the Parmesan cheese and nutmeg enhance the overall taste. Whether you choose to fold the crepes or roll them, they are sure to be a hit. Sprinkle some chopped green onions or chives on top for added freshness. Overall, this recipe is a must-try for crepe lovers looking for a savory and satisfying meal.

24. Chicken Broccoli Stuffed Crepe Casserole

Chicken Broccoli Stuffed Crepe Casserole

The Chicken Broccoli Stuffed Crepe Casserole is a rich and creamy dish that is perfect for brunch or a hearty weeknight dinner. The combination of chicken, broccoli, and crepes wrapped in a Bechamel sauce and topped with Gruyere cheese creates a flavorful and filling meal.

This casserole can also be made ahead of time and freezes well. Overall, it is a delicious and satisfying option for those looking for a comforting and convenient dinner.

25. Gluten Free Crepes

Gluten Free Crepes

Gluten Free Crepes are a perfect option for those who follow a gluten-free diet. Made with a blend of gluten-free flour, milk, eggs, butter, sugar, and salt, these crepes are thin, tender, and have crispy edges.

They can be served as a savory or sweet dish and can be filled with various ingredients like chocolate or cheese. Whether you're gluten-free or not, these crepes are a delicious and versatile option for dinner.

26. French Crêpes

French Crêpes

French Crêpes are a classic and versatile dish that can be enjoyed for breakfast, brunch, or even dinner. This easy and authentic recipe yields thin and delicate pancakes with a timeless taste of France.

With no added leavening agent, these crepes are thinner than American pancakes, making them perfect for filling with both sweet and savory ingredients. Whether you prefer a traditional sprinkle of sugar or a more adventurous filling, French Crêpes are sure to impress your friends and family.

27. Chicken and Cheese Crepes

Chicken And Cheese Crepes

The Chicken and Cheese Crepes recipe is a delicious and versatile dinner option. Made with thin and crispy crepes filled with chopped chicken and Gruyere or Cheddar cheese, these crepes are easy to assemble and can be made in advance.

The combination of flavors is satisfying and the melted cheese adds a creamy texture. Serve warm with a dollop of sour cream for a comforting and flavorful meal.

28. Crab-Stuffed Crepes

Crab-Stuffed Crepes

Crab-Stuffed Crepes are a delicious and indulgent dinner option. The creamy crab seafood filling is complemented by a luscious lemon cheese sauce. The recipe is quick and easy to prepare, making it perfect for a special meal. The crab filling is flavorful, with ingredients like Dijon mustard, horseradish, and fresh herbs.

The crepes can be made from scratch or purchased, but making them at home is recommended for a savory taste. The lemon cheese sauce adds a tangy and cheesy element to the dish. Overall, Crab-Stuffed Crepes are a decadent and satisfying dinner option.

29. Chickpea Crepes

Chickpea Crepes

Chickpea Crepes are a delicious and easy-to-make dinner option. Made with chickpea flour, these savory crepes are naturally vegan and gluten-free. They are filled with sautéed mushrooms and kale, and topped with a quick and tasty white sauce.

The combination of flavors and textures makes for a wholesome and satisfying meal. Customize the filling to your liking by adding other vegetables or cheese. Overall, Chickpea Crepes are a nutritious and flavorful twist on traditional crepes.

30. Chicken Florentine Crepes

Chicken Florentine Crepes

The Chicken Florentine Crepes are a delicious and satisfying dinner option. Made with coconut flour crepes, these gluten-free and low-carb crepes are filled with a creamy chicken and spinach mixture.

The combination of flavors is delightful, and the dish is hearty enough to leave you feeling satisfied. Whether you're following a specific diet or simply looking for a tasty dinner recipe, these Chicken Florentine Crepes are worth trying.