
34 Tart Recipes That Will Make Your Taste Buds Sing!

34 Best Tart Recipes

Welcome to our delectable world of tart recipes! Whether you're a seasoned baker or a beginner in the kitchen, tarts are always a crowd-pleaser. From sweet to savory, these versatile treats are perfect for any occasion.

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the best tart recipes that will have your taste buds dancing with delight. So grab your apron and get ready to indulge in a world of buttery crusts, luscious fillings, and irresistible flavors. Let's dive in!

1. Tartlet Shells

Tartlet Shells

Tartlet Shells are a delightful addition to any dessert menu. These mini tart shells require only 5 ingredients and no blind baking, making them quick and easy to prepare. The pate sablee dough used for these tartlets is sturdy and holds up well, eliminating the need for extra steps.

The shells can be filled with a variety of delicious options, such as diplomat cream, chocolate ganache, or fruit fillings. They can be made ahead of time, stored in the fridge or freezer, and baked when needed. Overall, Tartlet Shells are a versatile and convenient choice for creating beautiful and tasty mini tarts.

2. Perfect Tart Crust

Perfect Tart Crust

The Perfect Tart Crust is a buttery, slightly sweet, and tender dough that serves as an ideal base for any tart filling. It has a shortbread-like texture, differentiating it from flaky pie crusts. This recipe is easy to make, requiring only a few ingredients and minimal time. The use of powdered sugar adds structure and a silky texture to the dough, while salt enhances the overall flavor.

Cold unsalted butter and an egg yolk contribute richness and structure, resulting in a delicious crust. Heavy cream or a vegan alternative like coconut cream can be used to moisten the dough and intensify the flavors. Vanilla extract adds a subtle sweetness. Overall, the Perfect Tart Crust is a versatile and foolproof recipe that complements a variety of fillings.

3. Easy Fruit Tart

Easy Fruit Tart

The Easy Fruit Tart recipe is a colorful and delicious dessert option. It features a buttery sweet crust, a creamy mascarpone filling, and a variety of fresh fruits on top. The crust is a crumbly shortbread that melts in your mouth, and the filling does not require any cooking or cooling.

The fruit topping can be customized with your favorite fruits, and a fruit glaze can be added for a professional touch. Overall, this recipe offers a simple and tasty way to enjoy a fruit tart.

4. Fruit Tart

Fruit Tart

The Fruit Tart recipe is a simple and beautiful dessert perfect for spring and summer gatherings. It features a buttery shortbread crust filled with a creamy mixture of cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla.

The tart is then topped with an assortment of fresh fruits and a sweet glaze. It's a fresh and light treat with just the right amount of sweetness. Perfect for potlucks, parties, or family picnics.

5. Fresh Fruit Tart

Fresh Fruit Tart

The Fresh Fruit Tart is a delightful and visually appealing dessert that features a buttery and crispy sweet tart crust filled with silky smooth pastry cream. Topped with a generous amount of fresh berries and glazed with apricot preserves, this tart is a perfect addition to any summer gathering.

The addition of a layer of chocolate on the crust helps to keep it crisp and adds a delicious flavor contrast. Overall, the Fresh Fruit Tart is a show-stopping dessert that is sure to impress.

6. Bakewell Tart

Bakewell Tart

Bakewell Tart is a classic British dessert consisting of a sweet shortcrust pastry shell filled with raspberry jam and frangipane, topped with sliced almonds.

It is a delightful combination of flavors and textures, with the sweetness of the jam and the nuttiness of the frangipane complementing each other perfectly. Whether enjoyed on its own or with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, Bakewell Tart is a delicious treat that is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

7. Baked Chocolate Tart

Baked Chocolate Tart

The Baked Chocolate Tart is a rich and decadent dessert with a luscious, dense texture. The filling is made with good quality dark chocolate, giving it a dark, rich flavor with a hint of sweetness. The tart crust is tender and adds just enough sweetness.

The tart is baked to perfection, with a set edge and a slightly wobbly center. It can be decorated with various toppings, such as white chocolate or chocolate whipped cream. Overall, it's a delicious and elegant dessert option.

8. Mary Berry's Bakewell Tart

Mary Berry's Bakewell Tart

Mary Berry's Bakewell Tart is a classic British dessert that features a homemade crust filled with jam or mincemeat and a delicious almond frangipane filling. Topped with sliced almonds and a drizzle of icing, this tart is a delightful combination of flavors and textures.

The recipe is easy to follow and results in a golden-brown, moist tart that is perfect for any occasion. Whether you choose to use traditional jam or leftover mincemeat, Mary Berry's Bakewell Tart is a must-try recipe for tart lovers.

9. Mini Tart Shells

Mini Tart Shells

Mini Tart Shells are a versatile and convenient recipe for creating appetizers or individual desserts. Made with a simple combination of all-purpose flour, sugar, salt, softened butter, and egg yolks (or whole eggs), these tart shells are easy to prepare and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week or frozen for up to a month.

The baked shells have a golden-brown color and can be filled with either sweet or savory fillings. Overall, Mini Tart Shells are a great addition to any holiday gathering or special occasion.

10. Chocolate Tart

Chocolate Tart

This no-bake chocolate tart is a decadent and creamy dessert made with a simple crust and filled with a rich chocolate ganache. It is vegan, gluten-free, and can be made keto and sugar-free.

The smooth and mousse-like texture of the filling is achieved by combining dark chocolate and coconut milk. It's a delicious treat that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with other desserts. Perfect for chocolate lovers looking for a quick and easy dessert option.

11. Traditional Canadian Butter Tarts

Traditional Canadian Butter Tarts

Traditional Canadian Butter Tarts are a decadent and delicious dessert that is reminiscent of American pecan pie. Served in individual portions, these tarts are perfect for parties or holiday dinners.

The debate over whether to include raisins or nuts adds a customizable touch to this classic recipe. With a buttery crust and a sweet, gooey filling, these tarts are a must-try for tart lovers.

12. Nutella Tart

Nutella Tart

The Nutella Tart is a decadent and creamy dessert that combines the rich flavors of hazelnuts and chocolate. With a baked hazelnut crust and a no-bake Nutella filling, this tart is a perfect indulgence for Nutella lovers.

The filling is smooth and luscious, with a perfect balance of sweetness. Topped with hazelnuts for added crunch, this tart is a delightful treat that is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

13. Blueberry Tart

Blueberry Tart

The Blueberry Tart is a delightful dessert that features a sweet and tender homemade shortbread crust filled with fresh blueberries and blueberry pie filling. It is a perfectly balanced dessert that combines the bright flavor of blueberries with a sugary filling.

This tart is not only a sweet treat, but it is also loaded with antioxidants, making it a super-food dessert. Overall, the Blueberry Tart is a delicious and easy-to-make dessert that will satisfy any blueberry lover.

14. Lemon Tart

Lemon Tart

The Lemon Tart recipe is a classic French-style tart with a buttery, flaky crust and a creamy, dreamy lemon curd filling. The addition of heavy cream adds richness and the perfect balance to the bold lemon flavor.

The tart can be made ahead of time and keeps well in the fridge. It can be enjoyed as is or topped with meringue, whipped cream, or berries. Overall, it is a delicious and refreshing dessert option.

15. Egg Custard Tarts

Egg Custard Tarts

Egg Custard Tarts are a classic English treat made with a sweet shortcrust pastry and a smooth custard filling. The recipe is simple and can be made with either homemade or store-bought pastry. The custard is flavored with vanilla and can be sprinkled with nutmeg or cinnamon.

These tarts can be stored in the fridge for up to 2 days or frozen for up to 3 months. The recipe can also be adapted for gluten-free or dairy-free diets. Leftover egg whites can be used for other recipes. Overall, Egg Custard Tarts are a delicious and satisfying dessert option.

16. Cream Tart

Cream Tart

Cream Tart is a trendy and visually stunning dessert that has taken the internet by storm. The crust is made from a tender and crunchy almond pate sable dough, which melts in your mouth. The filling is a combination of vanilla pudding and whipped cream, creating a light and fluffy texture.

The versatility of this tart allows for various shapes and toppings, making it a fun and customizable dessert. Overall, Cream Tart is a delicious and visually appealing treat that is sure to impress.

17. Melktert


Melktert is a traditional South African tart made with a buttery biscuit crust and a creamy milk filling. The recipe is simple and easy to follow, with basic ingredients like milk, flour, eggs, sugar, and butter.

The tart is baked until thickened and then topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon. It is a delightful treat that showcases the flavors of South Africa.

18. South African Milk Tart

South African Milk Tart

South African Milk Tart is a classic dessert pie with a creamy custard filling and a homemade crust. It is flavored with almond extract, vanilla, and nutmeg, and topped with a generous dusting of cinnamon. The custard is smooth and rich, and the crust is flaky and golden brown.

This tart is perfect for dessert or served during tea time. It can be made ahead of time and kept in the fridge for up to 3 days. Overall, South African Milk Tart is a delightful and indulgent treat that will satisfy any sweet tooth.

19. Puff Pastry Apple Tart

Puff Pastry Apple Tart

The Puff Pastry Apple Tart is a simple and impressive dessert that uses store-bought puff pastry and fresh tart apples. It requires no rolling or lining of tart plates, making it incredibly easy to make. The apples are coated in a fragrant sugar and cinnamon mixture and arranged over the buttered pastry.

After baking until golden brown, the tart is brushed with a glossy glaze of melted apricot preserves. The convenience of puff pastry and the delicious combination of flavors make this tart a standout choice for any occasion.

20. Fresh Cherry Tart

Fresh Cherry Tart

The Fresh Cherry Tart is a visually stunning and delicious dessert that is perfect for any special occasion. The vibrant color and perfect balance of sweet and tart flavors make this tart a standout. While the recipe does require some time and effort, the end result is definitely worth it.

The use of fresh cherries ensures a burst of flavor and a pleasing texture. This versatile recipe can also be made with other fruits if desired. Overall, the Fresh Cherry Tart is a must-try for any tart lover.

21. Pear Frangipane Tart

Pear Frangipane Tart

The Pear Frangipane Tart is a classic French dessert that combines a sweet tart dough, poached pears, and almond cream filling. This elegant tart can be made in advance, making it a convenient option for entertaining.

The poached pears add a delightful flavor, while the frangipane filling provides a rich and creamy texture. Dust with powdered sugar or serve with whipped cream for a perfect finishing touch. A must-try dessert for the fall and winter season.

22. Easy Jam Tarts

Easy Jam Tarts

Easy Jam Tarts are a classic sweet treat that are simple to make with just 7 ingredients. The buttery biscuit base is filled with jam or fruit curd, creating a sweet and soft center encased in a crisp buttery shell.

These dainty tarts can be made with various flavors of jam or curd, making them versatile and delicious. Perfect for lunchboxes, picnics, or afternoon tea, Easy Jam Tarts are a quick and delightful treat.

23. Simple Homemade Lemon Tart

Simple Homemade Lemon Tart

The Simple Homemade Lemon Tart is a delightful citrus dessert that is easy to make and requires basic ingredients. It is perfect for beginner bakers and a fun baking project for kids.

The tartness and sweetness of the lemon filling make it a delicious treat. The crust is simple to prepare and does not require rolling out. Overall, this homemade lemon tart is a must-try for lemon dessert lovers.

24. Lemon Curd Tartlets

Lemon Curd Tartlets

The Lemon Curd Tartlets are a delightful and elegant dessert option for any occasion. These bite-sized treats feature a homemade shortcrust pastry filled with tangy and creamy lemon curd.

The combination of buttery and crunchy crust with the zesty lemon filling creates a perfect balance of flavors. Whether served at a party or enjoyed during afternoon tea, these Mini Lemon Tarts are sure to impress.

25. Delicious Cremora Tart

Delicious Cremora Tart

The Delicious Cremora Tart is a quick and easy recipe that is perfect for teatime. Made with Cremora powder, condensed milk, lemon juice, and Tennis biscuits, this tart is a South African favorite.

The creamy filling is topped with crushed biscuit crumbs, adding a nice texture to each bite. Overall, the Delicious Cremora Tart is a delightful treat that is sure to impress your guests.

26. Mini Fruit Tarts

Mini Fruit Tarts

These Mini Fruit Tarts are a delightful treat filled with vanilla pastry cream and topped with fresh fruit. The homemade shortbread crust adds a delicious touch to these bite-sized desserts.

Perfect for any occasion, these mini tarts are easy to make and can be customized with a variety of fruits. The ratio of crust to filling is just right, ensuring a balanced and satisfying bite. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced baker, these Mini Fruit Tarts are a must-try for tart lovers.

27. French Lemon Cream Tart

French Lemon Cream Tart

The French Lemon Cream Tart is a creamy and tart dessert that is perfect for citrus lovers. It features a sweet shortcrust pastry filled with a sharp and citrusy cream.

The filling is made with butter instead of cream, resulting in a luscious and melt-in-your-mouth texture. This tart is a delightful summer dessert that will satisfy your cravings for tangy and citrusy flavors.

28. Canadian Butter Tart

Canadian Butter Tart

The Canadian Butter Tart is a classic and rich dessert that has stood the test of time. With a maple syrup custard filling in buttery tart shells, it offers a delicious handheld treat. The recipe has a long history, with variations in ingredients such as brown sugar, dark syrup, dried fruit, and nuts. The crust is flaky and can be made from scratch or using premade tart shells.

The filling consists of butter, brown sugar, eggs, maple syrup, sea salt, and vanilla extract. This easy-to-make treat is a Canadian tradition and is often debated whether it should contain raisins or not. Overall, the Canadian Butter Tart is a must-try dessert that combines buttery goodness with a caramel-like, gooey center.

29. Condensed Milk Coconut Tarts

Condensed Milk Coconut Tarts

The Condensed Milk Coconut Tarts are a delicious and classic dessert option for coconut lovers. The buttery shortcrust base perfectly complements the sweet coconut filling. These tarts can be made ahead of time and taste even better the next day.

They can also be frozen for later enjoyment. The recipe calls for fine desiccated coconut, cake or all-purpose flour, sugar, milk, condensed milk, vanilla extract, and melted butter. Overall, these tarts are a delightful treat with a creamy, rich texture and a hint of sweetness.

30. Caramel Tarts

Caramel Tarts

These Easy Caramel Tarts are a quick and delicious dessert option. With just a handful of simple ingredients, they can be put together in less than 10 minutes. The recipe is versatile, allowing for the use of mini or large tart shells.

The tarts are best enjoyed within a day of making them, as the pastry may become soft. For a twist, you can add sliced banana to create a Banoffee Tart. Overall, these Caramel Tarts are a simple and satisfying treat.

31. French Orange Tart

French Orange Tart

The French Orange Tart is a delightful Winter dessert that combines a Sweet Shortcrust Pastry with a creamy Orange Filling. It is a perfect choice for a dinner party or holiday gathering. The tart crust can be made in advance, and the orange filling is a delicious blend of pastry cream and orange curd.

The tart can be garnished with fresh orange segments, coconut flakes, cacao nibs, mint leaves, or goji berries for a burst of color. Overall, the French Orange Tart is a refreshing and visually appealing dessert option.

32. Rustic Pear Tart

Rustic Pear Tart

The Rustic Pear Tart is a simple and delicious dessert that captures the flavors of the season. Made with fresh pears, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger, this tart is both fragrant and flavorful.

The recipe allows for creativity with different fillings, making it versatile and enjoyable for all. With a golden brown crust and tender fruit, it's a delightful treat to share with family and friends.

33. French Apple Tart

French Apple Tart

The French Apple Tart is a simple and delicious dessert made with puff pastry and apples. The tart is baked until the edges are golden brown and the apples are tender. A brush of fig preserves adds a glossy finish to the tart.

It can be served warm or at room temperature, and pairs well with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. Overall, it's an easy and impressive dessert option for any occasion.

34. Dulce de Leche Caramel Tarts

Dulce De Leche Caramel Tarts

The Dulce de Leche Caramel Tarts are a simple and easy-to-make dessert. With only 5 common ingredients, these mini tarts are rich, buttery, and utterly irresistible.

The combination of the dulce de leche caramel filling and the sweet short crust pastry is a match made in heaven. These tarts are perfect for any occasion and are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.